Saturday, June 26, 2010

Professional Pictures

Please visit the following website to see LeeAnne's professional pictures that we had taken.

Our Little Movie Star

First True Smiles

Monday, June 21, 2010

Happy Father's Day Daddy and PaPa!

LeeAnne and Daddy playing.

Papa and LeeAnne

The proud Grandparents.


Max and Maddy are enjoying LeeAnne.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Fur Family


Ducati loves to sit and look out LeeAnne's bedroom window.

New Chair

Grandma Karen bought LeeAnne a new chair for her room. Although she is not ready to sit alone in it, we had to try it out.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Hospital Picture

Just wanted to post LeeAnne's hospital pictures. I am anxiously awaiting her photo shoot pictures. As soon as I get them from the photographer, I will post.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

1 Month Old

I can't believe that LeeAnne is already a month old. It has been a great month and she is already changing and doing so many things. First and foremost, she is sleeping in her own bed and alomost sleeping through the night. She has gone to many lunches with Mommy and Grandma Karen, gone shopping at the mall, attended her first state track meet in Jeff City, visited Daddy and Uncle Mark's farm in Auxvasse, attended her first baby shower and Graduation Party and spending lots of time with Grandma Ann. She loves to look around outside when we go for walks. She has even had her first photo shoot. Pictures and birth announcements from the photo shoot will be coming soon.