Monday, May 31, 2010

Meeting Family

LeeAnne has been meeting everyone in her family, as well as friends. We had many friends and family visit us while we were in the hospital for 4 days. Grandma and Papa Megargel, Grandma Brooks, Uncle Matt, Aunt Laura, Max, Maddy, and Uncle Mark were some of the first visitors. Also, many friends came to visit.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Welcome Baby LeeAnne

Welcome to the blog of the Brooks'. I hope to keep up to date posts of the goings on of our family.

LeeAnne Marie Brooks was born on Mother's Day at 2:32 am. I am guessing she was holding out for this day. Here is a recap of the labor process.

5/5/10- Went in at 12:00am on May 5, 2010. At that time, I was induced and we waited all day. Nothing happen. So at 5 pm, my doctor sent me home. She wanted me to get lots of rest, stay off my feet and come back on Saturday.
5/8/10 Checked into the hospital at 6 am. I was once again induced and we waited. Nothing happen, except for lots of contractions. At 2pm, I was given an epitural. We then waitied again. Still nothing, exept that I was starting to get really crabby. At 10pm, the doctor told me that if things did not progress by midnight, that I would most likely have a C-Section. Great, I thought, only 2 more hours. So midnight came and went. The doctor wanted to wait until 2am. So at 2 am, they began the C-Section procedure. At 2:32am, LeeAnne Marie was born. Weighting 9 pounds 11 ounces and 21 inches long. She was a great Mother's Day present.